Fremont Marriott hotel

[image source] The 2007 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2007)

雖然不像宇宙無敵強者齊齊人一般的豐功偉業,但熬了這麼久總算能給老闆一個交代...箇中滋味就不多贅述;齊齊人謝謝你在 7-11 陪我開台啤慶祝和開導,也謝謝 hoho 和學長的指導,雖然 Acceptance rate=17%,雖然 reviewers' comments 很麻辣,但還是給他上了啦,爽。

Dear Kai-Hsiang Yang, Thank you for your submission to the 2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence. On behalf of the WI-2007 Program Committee, we are very pleased to inform you that your paper (Wr342), entitled "PLF: A Publication List Web Page Finder for Researchers" has been accepted as a Short paper for oral presentation at the conference and for publication in the conference proccedings to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. Congratulations! IEEE/WIC/ACM WI-2007 is a highly selective conference; only approximately 17% of the 343 submissions were accepted as regular papers and 26% of the submissions were accepted as short papers. Papers went through a rigorous review process. Each paper was reviewed by at least two program committee members. Please carefully take into account the enclosed comments by the reviewers when preparing the camera-ready version. Your final camera-ready paper is due on **August 17, 2007**. You will be receiving further instructions from the IEEE Computer Society Press shortly; the author kit will be sent directly from the IEEE Computer Society Press. The length of each short paper CANNOT exceed 4 pages in the IEEE-CS format (which will also be distributed by the IEEE Computer Society Press). You may purchase 1 extra page at a cost of US$100 (JPY 12,500) per each extra page. Your submission is required to follow all the instructions given in the kit. It is important to note that to include your paper in the program as well as in the proceedings, at least one author of your paper must attend the conference to present the paper and pay the full registration fee (student registration does not count; at least one author must pay regular registration.). Please make sure to register by **August 17, 2007** in order to have your paper included. The on-line registration is available at the WI-2007 homepage ( As mentioned at the Call for Papers, the acceptance list and no-show list will be openly published on-line. For no-show authors, their affiliations will receive a notification. You should plan 10 minutes for your presentation. The full schedule will be announced soon; We are planning an exciting technicial program and social program. In addition to sessions for presenting accepted papers, we have WI-IAT-GrC-BIBM joint keynote speakers, WI invited speakers (and IAT, GrC, BIBM invited speakers), 8 WI-IAT totorials, 15 WI-IAT workshops, one WI-IAT industry/demo session (major IT industries in Silicon Valley will join), as well as the reception, and banquet. A regular registration will cover all the events during 4 conference dates. The conference will take place at the Fremont Marriott hotel ( The hotel reservation information will be available shortly at the WI 2007 homepage. We look forward to seeing you and your presentation in Silicon Valley, USA on November 2-5, 2007. Sincerely yours, Tsau Young (T.Y.) Lin Program Chair, WI 2007 Laura Haas, Janusz Kacprzyk, Rajeev Motwani Program Co-Chairs, WI-2007 -------------------------------------------------

PS. "Kai-Hsiang Yang" 是我在院內的博士後研究學長,感謝他的指導。

Love Umbrella Sign


貓耳葉菊@福壽山 Hypochoeris@Fushoushan Farm



一開始到處找哪裡有貓耳葉菊,後來聽袁大哥解說才知道貓耳葉菊是太陽出來的時候才會慢慢打開,我們剛到的時候都是縮成一個個的花苞;慢慢的,靜靜的,貓耳葉菊綻開了花瓣,這時的天很藍,樹很綠,還有那滿地的金黃,真的是太棒了!! 台灣真美!! 希望布丁下次也能一起看著這美景。

向陽農場 Sun & Green farm

呼...這陣子都是忙趕稿和婚事,弄得每天都昏天暗地,這個週末好不容易大家都有空閒,辛苦的 Eric 事先先去探了路,才有這次這麼順利的惹花拈草之旅,tacojohn 也遠從台北共襄盛舉,整個加在一起,真是一個美好的早晨,開心開心。



接下來就真的是去拈花惹草了,這邊的向日葵 7 朵一張國父而已,布丁就衝到田裡面嚴選了幾支回來,上面都一堆小蜜蜂在忙著採蜜,店家會幫忙把花包裝好,也會用小鐵絲纏在花後面,放在家裡還蠻陽光的說 XD~